Tel. 91 893 30 47

Since 1990 providing the best service, guarantees our quality and professionalism

The contrasts, function and aesthetics, are the norms in your Apolonia Dental Clinic

Many reasons to select your Apolonia

* 20 Years of experience. * Initial Diagnostic and Examination without cost. * Attention to all the specialties dentistry.

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Calle España N º 9 Bajo A
Ciempozuelos- Madrid, Esp.
Código postal: 28350

These are our

Mon. - Fri.: 9 to 13 / 18 to 20
Saturday:  With appointment
Other Schedules: With appointment

Any questions, let us
know by these means:

Contact form: click here
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Frequent Q&A



¿Is it painful?

Dental implants do not hurt. The days after the implant placement there is discomfort in the scar  of the gum, but with the analgesics do not feel pain.

¿How long will stay the dental implants?

In principle it is a lifelong treatment. Not surprisingly and like natural teeth, dental implants need care and attend reviews. With the current experience we can say that dental implants are reliable treatments.

¿Everyone can get implants?

There are some health conditions which prevent the placement of dental implants, so you have to do a previous history.

The most common limitation to place a dental implant is that there is not enough bone to  implant. For this reason, before placing an implant we takea panoramic radiograph or bone scan for assessment

¿How long does the process take?

The total time for placing dental implants is variable, often takes a while ranging between 3 and 6 months.



¿At what age can you start orthodontic treatment?

Braces are usually done when are in the mouth all the permanent teeth, this is about 11-12 years old, which does not mean that there are cases where it starts before some kind of apparatus or with orthopedic trial (removable appliances , Which as we said earlier it is used in children and accompanying growth).

¿Is orthodontic treatment painful?

The treatment produces a slight discomfort but only in the early stages which is when the teeth begin to move, then adjustments are just uncomfortable during the consultation and then they disappear. Also small sores or blisters appear especially in the area of the lips, but this can be controlled with creams or gels prescribed by the dentist.

¿How often should I see my orthodontist?

Treatment controls are held approximately every 20 to 30 days, they can not be more frecuently because the dental tissues have a biological time that has to be respected in order to generate the desired motion on each tooth without damaging any structure nor prevent their motion for wanting to do more strength or speed up due time.

¿After the treatment the position of the teeth is permanent?

Yes, as long as the patient use the restraint (which is what is placed after the end of treatment). Otherwise the most likely have a recurrence, the teeth are going back to their original position.

¿How long does the treatment take?

Treatments are usually from 1 ½ to 2 years, this depends on each individual case and the cooperation of the patient. The treatment time also depends on the modification of the tissues that accompany the new position of the teeth.


¿How often should I go to the dentist?

Periodic reviews of the teeth and mouth are the best way to prevent possible diseases. It is advisable to make an annual visit to the dentist, but depending on the patient's age and health of their teeth this range may vary.

¿Should I use floss. What kind of toothbrush should I use?

Flossing along with brush and water are primary elements in oral hygiene, therefore, its use should be daily. The type of brush to use must be recommended by the treating dentist.


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Apolonia Clinica Dental- Ciempozuelos Madrid ES2

About us

The dental clinic Apolonia born in 1990, in front of the City Hall's square of Ciempozuelos (south of Madrid), today it has a new facility ...See more

Tel. 91 893 30 47